Saturday, January 13, 2007

Life in January

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It has been a while since I have written. So 2007 has arrived and I am looking forward to a prosperous, happy, and healthy year. As for January though, well, it might be a bit prosperous but not as happy as I would like. I am working a lot these days during the dreaded and long “Winter Intensive”. Winter intensive is the time of year that the school kids get off for their winter break except that they don’t get a break. Instead they get “intensified” by attending my school and spending their break days learning English. To me, that doesn’t sound like that much fun. I feel sorry for the little guys having to go to school so much but I also feel bad for myself for having to work so much. Anyway, next month will be better as I shall go back to my normal schedule and so I will be happier and healthy (not so much as prosperous) but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Therefore, I would like to share some pics of my school kids, all of which had been taken by my camera phone. While the quality of the pics might that be that great, they are still good enough for you to get an idea of what my classrooms are like and to see a few of the personalities I work with, for good or for bad. So here they are, the pics that show what the largest chunk of my life in Korea is about (especially this month).


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